Posts tagged needs vs. wants
Should You Write a Birth Plan For Your Birth? | Chicago Birth Doula Chicago Muslim Birth Photographer

As a birth doula, I am here to debunk the myth that you can’t plan for birth - because you absolutely can and you absolutely should! Now, let’s talk about being prepared for ALL possibilities and advocating for your birth rights.

If you’re planning an elective caesarean, have you prepared a plan in case you have a spontaneous or fast natural labor? If you’re planning to birth at home, do you have a plan in case you need to transfer to the hospital? Being prepared is key to a positive birth experience, and don’t be intimidated by planning for unideal circumstances; you’re not calling for a “bad outcome” by planning for it. On the contrary, you are making sure you get the best outcome out of an unwanted situation. You are making sure your most important needs are met during your birth experience.

Your needs are what your heart, mind and body desire in order to feel safe and heard, for example: asking for consent before any procedures are performed, feeling heard, feeling respected, not being disturbed or rushed.

Your wants are what you include on your documented birth plan. Things like your preferences around epidural use, labor positions, pain management, golden hour preferences, newborn procedures, etc. When putting together your birth plan, I encourage you to dig deep, and discuss with your care provider your needs AND your wants so that you can have all bases covered. We plan for our ideal pathways in all aspects of life, so why should birth be any different? Don’t let societal norms make you feel “difficult” for planning ahead. You may want your birth to go a certain way, and when you focus on your needs, which are your inner feelings, then what you want will follow.

Remember, there is always a birth plan in place, and if it’s not yours, then it will be someone else’s. So be sure to communicate what you need to safeguard your experience. Treat your birth plan as a roadmap, and be ready to pivot, if necessary. As long as your needs are met, it will make the process of achieving your wants much more palatable.

About Salam Birth Services

Hey there, I'm Lana, the human behind Salam Birth Services! I'm a Chicago-based birth photographer, doula and childbirth educator covering mainly the Western, Northwestern and Southwestern suburbs, but feel free to reach out if you live outside those borders to enquire about my availability.

You can find me on Instagram , or you can get in touch here by sending a message!